Sewerby Methodist Church

Sewerby Methodist Church


Church Activities



We have 16 pastoral visitors who each support by visit and telephone a designated group of members, however this task is shared by all and extended to adherents and visitors. We feel it is essential that all feel welcome in this Church family and many people have commented how welcoming our Church is. We are proud to have an excellent network.

Flowers are sent weekly to the sick and bereaved and also to those celebrating special birthdays or wedding anniversaries. Members over 90 receive harvest and Christmas gifts and all those in Retirement Homes receive an Easter card. Our Wednesday afternoon services and Thursday coffee mornings are valuable pastoral contacts.

Contact:       Sue Sugdon

Telephone:     01262  676446.


Tuesday Focus

"Tuesday Focus" meets on the first and third Tuesday mornings in the month
from October to March.

Coffee is served from 10-30a.m. and the meeting commences at 11-00 a.m. until 12 noon
Interesting speakers covering a variety of topics address the meetings and time is allowed for questions.

Knit & Natter


Our Purpose is to provide contact and fellowship for all ladies from the Church, from the community or from the Bridlington area – anyone really who would enjoy a good chat, some company and a good cuppa!

We meet on Tuesday afternoons 2 - 4 pm in the schoolroom.

We knit squares for blankets, which go to Jacob’s Well, hats, scarves and gloves for the Christmas shoeboxes or whatever anyone wants to knit.

It is a lovely way to spend an afternoon with friends. All are welcome.



Rambling Group

Formed in 1991, the Rambling Group has restarted following the end of Covid restrictions. Walks are between 4 & 5 miles, followed by a pub lunch. We meet one Wednesday morning a month in the Church car park to share cars at the start of the walk. If you would like to join us please contact Janet Padwick on 01262 673831



Methodist Homes for the Aged  (MHA) is a charity which has the reputation for meeting the highest standards of care and accommodation, supporting over 17,000 people with:

  • Care Homes -- Residential, Nursing and Specialist Dementia care,
  • Sheltered Housing,
  • Housing with Care and
  • Community support services for people living in their own homes.

So much of our contemporary media suggests that old age is a '.burden'. M.H.A. have worked for over 75 years to create 'Communities that Care'….whether that is in M.H.A. homes, retirement villages or in individuals' homes through the Live at Home scheme. In Sewerby and throughout the circuit, we try to raise funds towards financing such schemes.

 If you wish to find out more about the MHA, please visit their website at